
conceptual model, correlation, explanation, tutorial, R, Lavaan


conceptual model, correlation, explanation, tutorial, R, Lavaan


conceptual model, correlation, explanation, tutorial, R, Lavaan


conceptual model, correlation, explanation, tutorial, R, Lavaan

Causes of Dyads (theory)

General Theoretical Framework In this section, I would like to introduce a General Theoretical Framework (or micro-macro model) which can be used to explain more or less any social phenomena you are interested in.

Direct Effect

conceptual model, correlation, direct effect, explanation, tutorial, R, Lavaan

Two Direct Effects

conceptual model, correlation, direct effect, explanation, tutorial, R, Lavaan

Causes of Complete Networks

Influence and selection dynamics in complete networks.

RSiena I (causes)

RSiena, twitter, social networks, plotting, tutorial, R, Lavaan

Consequences of Dyads (methods)

// Hide empty tag within highlighted CodeBlock for screen reader accessibility (see https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/6352#issuecomment-626106786) -- // v0.0.1 // Written by JooYoung Seo (jooyoung@psu.edu) and Atsushi Yasumoto on June 1st, 2020.